Friday, September 20, 2024

its good to be back!

Its almost 10 years since i last posted!
Time flies....
So much has happened since then
I am go glad i am still able to log in to this account  =D

Quick summary from where I left off,

2014 was my first year in the commercial world, after E&Y 
2015 was the year i met the love of my life
2018 was the year i got married, and moved into my own house
2020 was the year my son came along
2021 job crisis...
2021 rebounded to new heights
2022 started my own business
2022 suffered a minor blow (a good wake up call)
2023 sold my house and shifted out into a rental flat
2024 picked up photography

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Inspirations from Steve Job

have faith that the dots will somehow connect in the future...

keep looking for the love of your life, be it on the personal level or the professional level, do not settle until you find it....

always be prepared to say your goodbyes...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014








1        紅塵白浪兩茫茫 忍辱柔和是妙方 到處隨緣延歲月 終身安分度時光

世事起落無常,變化多端,就像鬧市飛揚的塵埃,又像互相衝擊、起伏不停的海洋 波浪,那樣模糊無際,不可測度。體諒忍讓,柔順和諧,才是處世聰明靈巧的方法 啊!無論身處何地,不可強求,宜隨順因緣,就當時情況,隨時制宜;一輩子也要 滿足地、安分守己地過日子。

2        休將自己心田昧 莫把他人過失揚 謹慎應酬無懊惱 耐煩作事好商量

不可隱瞞良心,自知不好,仍繼續做著那些邪惡、害己害人的事情。所謂己所不欲, 勿施於人,對於別人的過失,不可到處張揚啊!與人交往應對,宜小心謹慎,切忌 出口傷人,或因言語衝突而起煩惱;有困難或爭議時,動氣無益,宜耐心解決,或 找機會好好溝通、商量。

3        從來硬弩弦先斷 每見剛刀口易傷 惹禍只因閒口舌 招愆多為狠心腸

自古以來,常見強硬的弓弩,其弦線很快折斷,鋒利堅強的鋼刀,其刀口亦易損傷。 飛來橫禍,往往由閒話開始,繼起爭執;罪禍臨身,皆因心狠手辣,害人不淺。

4        是非不必爭人我 彼此何須論短長 世事由來多缺陷 幻軀焉得免無常

其實,何必時常強分你非我是、我長你短呢?世間從來就沒有完美無缺的事物,緣 起如幻、無實自性的軀體,又怎可永存不朽呢?

5        喫些虧處原無礙 退讓三分也不妨 春日纔看楊柳綠 秋風又見菊花黃

吃點虧,讓幾步,於己實在損失不大,不妨接受包容;時移世易,盛衰很快轉移, 試看春天柔美的綠柳景色,很快就被秋天怡人的黃菊所替代了。

6        榮華終是三更夢 富貴還同九月霜 老病死生誰替得 酸甜苦辣自承當

世人只顧追求身外的榮華富貴,忽略了自身的處境。其實,身外的榮華富貴,如夜 中夢、如夏月霜,轉瞬消逝,但自身的生老病死苦,除了自己,有誰可以替代呢?

7        人從巧計誇伶俐 天自從容定主張 諂曲貪瞋墮地獄 公平正直即天堂

自恃聰明的人,苦心積慮所經營的權謀,最後結果,皆難逃自然的因果定理:阿諛 奉承,為私利私憤,作惡多端的,必得惡報,守正不阿,行善積德的,必有善報。

8        麝因香重身先死 蠶為絲多命早亡 一劑養神平胃散 兩鍾和氣二陳湯

麝有貴重的香,蠶有貴重的絲,因而命短,故此,無須過分追求與擁有,閒時不妨 調養精神,清心寡欲,減少一點好勝鬥爭的心態吧。

9        生前枉費心千萬 死後空持手一雙 悲歡離合朝朝鬧 富貴窮通日日忙

世人少悟,不知生前營謀所得,死後只能空手而往;大多數還未覺悟,仍在繼續營 謀,天天鬧著悲歡離合,日日忙著富貴窮通的事情。

10        休得爭強來鬥勝 百年渾是戲文場 頃刻一聲鑼鼓歇 不知何處是家鄉

請盡快停止爭強好勝吧!人生百年,就像做戲一場,不久鑼鼓聲竭,散場閉幕, 又不知隨業流轉至何方所了。

Monday, April 28, 2014


Before I sleep, I thought I should also record down this episode of reheating of a heart that has turned cold over the years.... Lol

Yesterday marked my 29th year in existence...... I have forgotten how long ago is it that I have removed all indications of that date anywhere except on job application forms and other official documents....

Yet to my surprise, memories of it still exist......... I thank all for the effort and well wishes..... I am grateful. =)


It has been a while ....

Much have happened over these few months......... It has been 7 (almost 8) months since I left EY and join another organization.

I still miss the old days sometimes.....

But I am very grateful to have a special group of friends (sc,cj,pr,hh,cjy) who have showed me great support and timely companionship in this difficult transition period.

Over these few months, I keep having the view that I have entered into a treacherous world where dark creatures dwell.... And so ......I became more and more miserable as days went motivation level drops and I seem to have lost passion for everything...... repeating each day in a zombie liked manner

Events and circumstances finally led me to reflect on what is going on with my life and what has gone wrong......

I finally realized that the root of the problem lies not in my new environment but in my own views. I was too arrogant and disdainful of the new elements.......I was too stubborn to change.......and most importantly, I lacked new worthy goals to pursue.

Having now gained clarity of the situation, a new game plan is drawn up for breakthrough and progress

-Specific goals worthy of pursuit set
-An open and relax mind shall be cultivated, humility must be restored, and patience will be practiced
-Make it a habit to think only positive thoughts and focus only on positivity

What I focus on determines my reality. 

Enough ramblings for now....... Yawnzzz.....

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Relentlessly I toil
On this beautiful land
Even though the harvest will not be mine
But still I toil...
For I still love this land of my choice.

-songs of the farmers from the tribe whose flame within have died