Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Endless Struggles..

Looking back...I am proud I am still around
I am looking forward to the added responsibilities ahead

But the sudden thought of how things might eventually turn out
saddened me....

"Step by step towards excellence"

My primary school motto...
I still believe in it...
but every step seems harder...needs more effort...
I guess this is inevitable..

"what if I cannot make it till the end..."

This thought has dampened my spirit many times recently
I wonder how long can I stay positive...


LunaticFringe said...

because sometimes all we can do is move forward one small step at a time, away from the abyss.

Unknown said...

"Since everything in life is but an apparition, perfect in being what it is, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well bust out in laughter."
- Long Chen Pa

Tigger Look A Like said...

You gain nothing by being fearful. You gain much by being fearless. Always choose fearless...or as close to it as you can. :)

Angelia 巫老師 said...

Your poem is my voice. Let's cheer up each other and move on.

STAG said...

It is not a step by step journey to get somewhere...not even to excellence. It is a step by step journey which is capable of being enjoyed. Or slept through. Or ignorned through drugs, video games or old movies.
Its not the destination but the voyage which is important. Focusing on goals is important, but they have a tricksy way of shifting and becoming further or turning to dust in your hands, so goals are not as important as choosing a pleasant way to get there.
Why not be happy in your voyage?